Investing In Our Students
Kettering University prepares students for lives of extraordinary leadership and service by linking transformative experiential learning opportunities to rigorous academic programs in engineering, science, mathematics, and business. We believe in investing in our students and their future. The generosity of Kettering University alumni and friends enhances our students experiences and advances the University as a leader in STEM education.
Giving Information
Annual Giving
Your gift of any size supports Kettering students and enhances their academic experience. While we encourage you to donate online, you can also mail your donation to our office.
Gifts can be mailed to:
Annual Giving
1700 University Ave.
Flint, MI 48504-6214
Kettering accepts checks, credit cards and publicly traded stocks.
When submitting a matching gift through your company’s electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form you may need the following information:
Tax ID number:
If you need assistance, we are available by email at or by phone at (800) 955-4464 ext. 9759
Gift Planning
For more information about making your gift to Kettering University, please contact the Office of Planned and Major Giving.
Corporate & Foundation Giving
Kettering University's partnerships with corporations and foundations allow students to apply what they learn in classrooms and laboratories in the real world.
Matching Gifts – Multiply the Impact of Your Donation to Kettering
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to Kettering University? Last year those matching gift programs helped us raise approximately $75,000 in additional support.
Search Matching Gifts
Please use the search tool below to see if your company will match your donation, as well as to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions you need to submit a matching gift.